Our Physio

Our Physio

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Flat Feet (Pes Planus)

A true flat foot is rare. Generally, a flat-footed person is only suffering from a functional flat foot caused by excess pronation. Excess Pronation causes the foot's arch to collapse & elongate giving the appearance of a flat foot. A functional flat foot is quite common and generally exhibits symptoms ranging from sore/tired feet to general leg fatigue and body aches.

VASYLI products are designed to control excess pronation (the common cause of functional flat feet and thereby restoring the foot's arch to normal)


This condition commonly occurs with women, however many men suffer from pain in the ball of the foot. Sometimes a callous develops in the centre of the foot and footwear may wear out in a similar fashion.

This condition causes a burning sensation in the ball of the foot and can become very painful. Ball of Foot Pain (Metatarsalgia) commonly occurs from rotation and dropping (plantarflexion) of the metatarsal bones along with excess pronation and weakening of the soft tissue (ligament & muscle) structures.

VASYLI products align the central three (3) metatarsal shafts using a inbuilt 5mm met raise to correctly position and maintain the Metatarsal bone position. By balancing the weight distribution over the five (5) metatarsal bones, this helps remove excess weight & friction which commonly causes the callous and burning sensation.

(Morton's Neuroma)

Commonly assocciated with Metatarsalgia (see previous ccondition), this condition is generally caused by entrapment of the interdigital nerve lying between the third and fourth metatarsal bones. Ball of Foot Pain (Morton's Neuroma) exhibits similar symptoms to Metatarsalgia, but may also cause numbness, tingling and discoloration of the third and fourth (lesser) toes.

VASYLI products may greatly assist in the early stages of Morton's Neuroma when damage to the nerve sheath is minimal. VASYLI products re-aligns the metatarsal shafts and prevents interdigital nerve jamming. Severe fibrosis of the interdigital nerve may require surgery. However, VASYLI products may prevent further problems post-operatively.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Back Pain (Lumbo-Sacral Pain)

As the feet roll over and the legs internally rotate the pelvis is forced to tilt forward, resulting in increased curvature of the lower back.

In turn , this causes tightness and stiffness of the lowerback muscles.

VASYLI products help align the body posture by controlling the feet, reducing internal rotation of the legs and forward pelvic tilt, therefore easing lower back pain.

Knee Pain (Patello-Femoral Pain)

This type of knee pain is commonly caused by rolling over of the foot - 'excess pronation'. As the foot rolls over, the lower leg (tibia) internally rotates, putting forces on the knee cap and weakening the muscle structures, causing knee pain.

By re-aligning the lower limb and preventing the feet from rolling over, VASYLI products reduce internal rotation of the leg and takes away this common cause of knee pain.


Tired/arching legs are commonly caused by strain and stretching (traction) on the calf muscles at the back of the legs. This occurs when the feet roll over ('excess pronation') and the legs rotate internally.

In turn, this placess stress and strain on the muscle structures of the legs.

VASYLI products control 'excess pronation' - decreasing internal rotation of the leg and traction stretching on the calf muscles, thereby taking away this common cause of tired/aching legs.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

Heel pain is commonly caused by rolling over of the foot ('excess pronation'). As the foot pronates, the arch collapses and the muscles and supporting structures are forced to stretch and elongate. This puts stretch (traction)and strain on the ligaments running from the heel to the toes.

In turn, the heel bone may 'respond' by developing a bony growth right in the centre of the -the heel spur.

VASYLI products re-align the foot , reducing the stetch (traction) forces on the ligament - taking away this common cause of heel pain.


Anatomy of the Foot

The foot consists of 26 bones. (28 if you include the two sesamoid bones under your 1st metatarsal). The great toe ig generally longest in the most feet, however it is common for the 2nd toe to be longer than the great toe. (this is commonly referred to as 'the greek foot')

The main join of concern in biomechanics is the Subtalar Joint which is the joint between the Calcaneus (heel bone) and the Talus.

The proper function of these joint is crucial to a correct and 'pain-free' gait.


" In my many years of Podiatry practice I have treated over 50,000 patient. It is my experience and that of other practitioners that many aches and pains occur from poor posture of the foot and leg. I have written this to help you understand the cause of these common complaints and how to provide relief through orthotic treatment. "

The human foot was originally "designed" to travel on soft , natural surfaces like earth and sand. Unfortunately , instead of soft earth , we now spend every day walking and standing on unnatural hard, flat surfaces like pavements and floors.

These surfaces force our feet to roll over to gain ground contact and our arches to flatten. Rolling over of the foot - or 'Excess Pronation' is believed to affect over 50% of the population !

Interestingly, altough the foot rolls inwards, often the shoe will wear excessively on the outside edge of the heel. This is because the foot normally 'lands' on the outside edge first and consequently rolls over causing excess pronation as a compensatory motion.

Just like the tyres on a car, poor alignment of the feet can cause wear the tear to other parts of the body. 'Excess Pronation' often disrupts normal knee function and hip alignment and increases forces on the muscles in the lower back. Subsequently, 'Excess Pronation' can cause a wide range of common complaints.


The answer is to treat the CAUSE of these complaint - not just the symptoms. In other words, by restoring the lower limb's natural angle we can align the feet and body posture to their neutral position and take away the cause of these problems.

VASYLI International manufactures a wide range of unique, patented orthotic footwear & footcare products. VASYLI products are invented by a Podiatrist and the result of many years of biomechanical research. They are specifically designed to re-align the feet to their natural position and to improve body posture, relieving many chronic complaints in the process.